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Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm baaaacck!

Hi All!

Long time no talk! It's been forevvverrrrr, I know, I'm sorry. So as you all know I had been looking for a job for quite some time and I wasn't able to find anything. I think the stress from the job hunt and the emotional feelings from the accutane made me super depressed. I just didn't know what to do with myself. I would sit at home all day long and watch tv or sleep. I didn't even feel like getting up in the morning. Sad, I know. But then something cool happened. I saw a job posting for a store that I had worked at previously, so I decided to apply. What could be the worst that happened, right? We'll the next day I got a call from them and I within the next week I was hired for a full time position!

It's weird how a person's luck can change within a day! One day I was sitting in my pajama's, eating ice cream and crying miserably; and the next week I was off to my new job. I've been working now for about 2 months, which is why you all haven't seen any new posts from me. I work from 9-5 and sometimes even longer if I don't get my work finished. The change has been amazing because I now feel like I have a purpose in life, a new goal to work towards and my day's are full of different activities. Being busy doesn't give you time to be depressed, which is just what I needed.

I've been much happier since I started work and I'm working on new things for the future which I don't want to share just yet! But I promise I'll let you know as soon as I can.

For those of you out there that can't find a job. Keep looking! I know exactly how you feel! It's hard and stressful but keep applying (even if your under or over qualified) and soon enough you'll have what your looking for! Don't give up hope and remember that everything will turn out okay :)

Alright, that's enough talk from me. I'm going to bed. Goodnight love bugs and we will talk soon.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Another Accutane Update

Hey everyone!

I know I haven't posted anything in a very long time...I seriously have no excuse other than the fact that I had nothing interesting to post. So now I decided to just do another accutane update, since there has been a lot of progress. I'll upload pics as well so that you all can compare it to the previous post.

I pretty much don't even need to say anything in this post because the picture's will show you my progress. I am very happy with the results. I stopped breaking out about a month ago, which was a big plus for me. I have broken out a little bit this week since my doctor increased my dose. Hopefully this will be the last round of breakouts, and then I can live a happy, minimum pimple life. I might also be stopping my treatment soon because I've progressed faster than other patients. I just started my fourth month and this will be my last month on accutane, and I'm so excited because then I can be normal again! anyone really normal though? I think I'm normal, but maybe the person down the street thinks I'm not normal...innnteresting!

like my brother always says 'mental people think normal people are mental'...okay back to accutane

I've still been suffering from extreme dryness, which is really annoying because I have to carry this huge tub of petroleum jelly with me everywhere (and my family laughs at me when i pull it out of my purse to use it). Yes, I know I can just get a small one to put in my purse, but this large tub that I have is smoother than other petroleum jelly's that I've tried. I don't even know the brand because I ripped the sticker off when I first bought it.

Writing this blog is stressing me out. I don't know why, usually I love putting my feelings into blogs...maybe I'm just out of the habit? Who knows? We can never really say anything for sure, can we? oh gosh! here I go again. Today is a weird day!

ummm....oh yes! accutane..okay so take a look at the pics and compare them to the previous one's. You'll notice that I have a lot less red pimples and that my dark scars are also fading. My forehead has seen the most improvement, which is great because that was one of my biggest problem area's. I'm really glad I decided to go through with this treatment. There's a lot of dryness and other problems that you have to go through, but seeing results is totally worth it.

Also, I've been using the Equate version of bio oil for my scars along with the accutane, so just keep that in mind if you decide to use accutane for yourself. Have a great great day! I will try my best to update as soon as possible!

Good day!

You can see my recent breakout on my chin, all others are just scars which will be taken care of after the accutane treatment

If you compare this pic to the one in the previous post you will see the significant improvement

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More Accutane Side Effects

Hey Lovies,

So after I wrote my previous post I realized that I left out 3 more side effects that I've been noticing, so here they are!

1) On the 5th day of using accutane I started suffering from extreme mood swings. This was listed as a side effect in my accutane book but I didn't think it would actually happen to me. So, I've pretty much been angry at the entire world for the past 8 days. I don't know how to control it and I feel bad because I'm making my family's life so hard. And the worst part is that it goes on and off like a light switch. On a random day I'll wake up and be fine and by the time I brush my teeth and go downstairs I'll have this bitch look on my face. I feel awful because my family has to put up with me, especially my mom. She will ask me a random simple question and in return I'll bite her head off. And the look on my face is ridiculous. You know those girls that walk around school or the mall with this permanent 'I'm a bitch' look; I've become one of those girls. Well...I was already one of those girls, but I wasn't like that at home and it's just hard to deal with because I don't want to put my family through this. Today is only the 15th day, so having to deal with me for the next 6 months is going to be torture!

2) My skin has become extremely sensitive! Even if I'm just brushing my hair out of my face and my nail touches my skin, I feel like I just got stabbed. And I'm not being dramatic, the pain is so sharp and deep that my eyes start watering whenever this happens. It's kind of frustrating because I have to be super careful around my face. I remember my carefree days where I could poke myself and not feel like I had just been stabbed. Oh the memories!

3) The accutane book also lists hair loss as a side effect, but my dermatologist told me that she hasn't seen a lot of this with her patients. I haven't lost hair on my head but I've noticed that my eyebrow hairs and my eyelashes have fallen out a lot more in the past few days. This is extremely annoying since they either fall onto my face or into my food, and it's just plain gross. UGH! It's not extreme, but I have had more than normal fall outs and I hope that it doesn't get worse because I love my eyelashes and brows just they way they are.

Other than this the only other side effect,as I mentioned before, is dryness in the face and body, and chapped/cracked lips.

I've noticed that my lips went from chapped to cracked in 2 days; they are so dry it hurts! No chapstick is working well for me so I just use the equate scar oil on my lips as well, which helps a lot more!

I'm already annoyed and it's been only 15 days! Let's see how the rest of the trip goes! Enjoy!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Accutane Update with Gross Pictures (LOL)

Hey lovies (that's my new word)

So I mentioned in my last post that I was going on Accutane and I just wanted to update you on whats going on and any side effects that I'm going through. I have been on Accutane (40mg) for 12 days so far and I really think it is starting to work. I woke up yesterday to find a new wave of acne on my face, back and arms. (this means its working). Accutane pushes acne from the inside to the surface of your skin and than starts to eliminate oil glands in your body so that you stop breaking out. It usually gets worse before it gets better.

Along with acne I have a lot of acne scars on my face because I pick at my acne all the time. I know I shouldn't but I have the deep acne that is really itchy and when I breakout I can't stop myself from picking at it to relieve the itchiness. So to help with the scarring I have decided to try bio-oil, except I'm using the generic one that is made by Equate. I compared the ingredients in both products when I was at Wal-mart and it was pretty much the exact same thing.

I've been using both products (accutane and equate oil) for 12 days now, and I can see a huge difference. My scars are at least 30% lighter and I don't have to use pounds of make-up anymore to cover up the dark spots.

Dryness is a huge side effect of Accutane, and I have been suffering extreme dryness. I've only been on Accutane for 12 days and my lips have absorbed at least 5 full chapsticks. It's ridiculous. I haven't really noticed the dryness on my face since I am using the oil which keeps my skin really moisturized, but my lips are crazy dry. I have to walk around with a pound of chapstick on my lips and it causes a lot of attraction. LOL.

I have also noticed that my legs are really ashy and dry, and even though I moisturize them daily, it just doesn't seem to be enough.

I find this all very annoying because I've never had the type of skin that needs to be moisturized a lot, since my oil glands are hyperactive, but for the past 4-5 days I've had to moisturize every 3-4 hours. It's crazy, but it's a small price to pay for less acne in the future.

If I have already become dry like a raisin in 12 days, I wonder what's going to happen next. I'm kind of worried because I can't imagine it getting any more worse. I've been pretty much eating lotion 5 times a day, and I'm still dry. Jeez!

Okay so the pictures attached are from today. I wish I had taken pictures before I started accutane and the oil so that you could have something to compare it to, but I totally forgot. I still have a long way to go. My acne scars are way lighter, TRUST ME! and I have a new wave of acne around my jaw, forehead, and lower cheek area. I'm going to do another update when I see some more improvement so that you guys can know how long the process is taking.

I'll try to get a better camera too, since this one is not so great at all. Hope this helps a little bit.

In this last picture you can see the dryness on my chin, nose and cheek (looks like white powder)

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hello my lovelies :)

I know I have been totally slacking on my blog, but I have been sick on and off for so long and my days are usually full of school and doctor's appointments. I've been sick on and off since December...which is pretty ridiculous! But I am starting to feel better so I'll be getting back to my blog soon. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to be starting accutane on April 13th. For those of you who know me, you know how bad and gross my acne is. I need to put on at least 7 pounds of makeup to make myself look decent and even then I don't look how I would like to look. I have a very laid back and relaxed personality so I know that if I had perfect skin, I most likely wouldn't even wear make-up. I did go through a phase where I had zero acne and people always thought that I was wearing make-up and I would have to rub my face with kleenex to show them that I didn't. If I could get skin that was even 50% better than my skin now, I would be more than happy with the result. So I start on April 13th and I'm going to do a 6 month cycle,and I hope hope hope that it works.

Last time i got my clear skin with this tea that was recommended by a family friend. I drank the tea twice a day for about a month and my skin was perfect! I didn't have even one bump, pimple, scar etc. NOTHING! I stopped drinking the tea because it tasted really bad. I just couldn't continue on with it. But reminiscing about my glow-y perfect skin is kind of inspiring me to start the tea again. But maybe I should wait until I try the accutane first. So this was a pretty awkward rambling blog, but my point was to tell you that I'm starting accutane and that I will update with pics of my face. I'll take pics before I start and then every month or two depending on how I progress. So keep a look out for those, and if you have any questions about the tea that I drank or about accutane, just leave a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Designer Fragrance Depot

Hey all!

Recently I saw a commercial on TV for a warehouse called Designer Fragrance Depot and I decided to go check it out. I was really impressed with the place because they had great nail polish's and lipsticks (and other make up) for a really great price. They are more known for the designer fragrances that they sell at discount prices but the warehouse was filled with shampoo, body sprays, nail polish, press on nails, lipstick, exercise equipment, socks, bath sets and much more! I obviously went crazy in the nail polish/lipstick section, so I'm gonna show you what I got. If you live in Toronto you should really check out the warehouse. Click HERE for their website and find the location that is nearest to you and go check them out!

Oh and just to give you an idea of their prices, each nail polish was only 50 cents (I KNOW!) and their lipsticks were $2 each. Everything, except the brand name perfumes, is about $10 or under; and the brand name perfumes vary in price range. If you know what perfume you want, just call in advance to find out how much it cost's!

So here are the pictures I took of my haul. Enjoy and feel free to ask any questions :)

What I bought:

Nailene short press on nails
Nailene nail glue
Cover Girl Sheer Rose Lipstick
Revlon Nicely Nude Lipstick
Revlon Almost Nude Lipstick
and...10 amazing nail polish's (sally hansen, cover girl, nyc)
Oh! and that cute floral summer clutch for only $3

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Hey guys!

I know I haven't updated in a while but I've just been really busy with a few things. Just wanted to take a few minutes to let you know that I will be doing a few reviews SOON! I promise :) So keep an eye out for those. They should be up within the next couple of days or maybe even by tmrw. Have a great day and I'll write soon!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

TAG: 5 Random Facts

Hello my lovelies!

So I got tagged to do a 5 random facts video so here it goes :)

Fact 1:

My birth name is not diya, but I use the name diya since it is easier for other people to say. I got tired of repeating my name over and over again like a damn pokemon, so I decided to use diya instead.

Fact 2:

I have a very awkward, sarcastic and goofy sense of humor. Most people don't understand my jokes but the one's that do understand think I'm hilarious. I usually use my humor on family since there all like me and understand my jokes, but when I make jokes in public people just stare at me and I can hear crickets. It's kind of sad but meh! I am who I am :)

Fact 3:

I have never been popular. I can honestly say that I have 2 friends. That's it. But I also think that this might be because I'm very anti-social. In university when I used to see people from my high school I just pretended like I didn't know them. LOL. I know that this seems rude, but I didn't mean to be rude at all. I don't really know how to explain myself, sometimes when I see people I will actually say 'hello' and talk to them for a few minutes and then on other occasions I just ignore them. I guess it depends on my mood, I'm just a very confusing person. If I ever did this to you, please don't take it seriously, I think I have A.D.D

Fact 4:

I'm OCD with cleanliness. If I have just taken a shower, I try not to use the bathroom for at least the rest of the day since I don't want to get dirty again. !? I don't know why this happens to me but I feel dirty if I have to use or go into the bathroom (I know my bathroom is clean since I'm the one who sits there for hours cleaning it, but I'm still OCD like that) I also hate hate hate having pets. I love love love animal's and I had a rabbit for about 4 months, but it just got to be too much for me. I was constantly cleaning his cage and if I held him, I would have to go change my clothes because I felt like his fur was everywhere on me. I don't know, there so cute and I loved him but my OCD got in the way.

Fact 5:

I'm not a very emotional person, which is not often a characteristic of a girl. I feel awkward when I have to hug my family (I'm not being mean, i love them all very much, but I just can't do it!) I don't like talking about my feelings and I keep most of them to myself. My mom and I are very close so I talk to her about everything but even then I keep my real emotions hidden. I think it's because I have 3 brothers. I'm pretty much the 4th brother. LOL. Most of the time my parent's have to ask me for hugs and even then I say no. This sounds so mean but they know how I am so they don't get too offended. The only times I hug my family are when I leave and come back from a vacation.

Random Fact:

I just asked my youngest brother, that if I wasn't related to him and was a girl his age, would he be friends with my kind of personality? He said NO. Wow! Thnxs little bro, I can really feel the love. LOL

Hope you enjoyed this. Good Day

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How To: Make-up Brush Holder under $5

Hello my lovelies!

So I've noticed that there a lot of cute make-up brush holders popping up around everywhere, but I've also noticed that they cost quite a bit of money. The price for the brush holder may not be that much but if you live in Canada (like me) the shipping just kills the whole deal. So I decided to fix this problem by making my own make-up brush holder by using items from dollarama. Now you can have the cutest make-up brush holder for a tenth of the price. So here is a list of items I bought from the dollar store:

1 wide mouthed clear glass vase

1 package of glittery 3d flower stickers (they are gorgeous)

2 cans of white shimmery rocks (small rocks, not the big ones)

From here on the step's are really simple:

Take the stickers and apply them all over the clear vase so that the surface of the vase is evenly covered

Add both the cans of rocks to the vase

place your brushes in the vase and VOILA, your adorable and cheap (but not cheap looking) make-up brush holder is complete!

I picked out these stickers at the store because I loved that they were 3D. The back layer sticks snugly onto the vase and the top/first layer pops out to make the brush holder look amazing. The styling possibilities are endless. Just go to the craft aisle at your dollar store and pick out whatever you like. There's no need to spend $30 dollars on a make-up brush holder when you can make your own for only $5. I hope you enjoyed this post. Good Luck!

Monday, March 8, 2010

M.A.C Warehouse Sale Haul

Hello my lovelies!

So as promised, here are a few pics of my MAC, Estee Lauder and Clinique haul. The sale was awesome and I had a great time and the prices were MINDBLASTING, they just blasted my mind (lol) So take a look and enjoy!

MAC Mineralize Satinfinish in NC37 for $10

A cute purple clutch for $2

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Refined for $10

MAC Lipsticks in Pleasureseeker (orange) and Semi-Annual (black) for $5

Estee Lauder Navy Print Tote (pink inside) for $8

Estee Lauder Make-up bags for $3 (total for both)

MAC Lipstick in Surprise Me

MAC Eyeshadow in Banshee

MAC Blush in Hand Finish

MAC Eyeliner in Molasses

Estee Lauder Sumptuous Mascara for $3

Clinique Lipsticks in Chocolate Ice (left) and Blush Nude (right) for $5 each

Breast Cancer Ribbon Pin for $7 by Estee Lauder

MAC Naked Honey Body Wash for $4

MAC Strobe Liquid Lotion (free gift for all customers)

MAC Fix+Rose Fixante for $10

Clinique Perfectly Real Compact in 136 N for $12

Estee Lauder Lip Line Perfecter for $10

This was my first time at a MAC Warehouse Sale and I had a great time. I was worried that I may not find anything I like, but as you all can see I found plenty! I'm so excited about everything I got and I can't wait to try it all out and I can't wait for the next sale. Also I'm going to be doing reviews of these products after I've used them for a few weeks, so keep an eye out for those! If you have any questions about any of the products feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me and I'll try to help you out as best as I can. Thank for reading and good night!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Post MAC Warehouse Sale

Hey lovelies!

Okay so today was the MAC, Estee Lauder, Clinique, Bobby Brown and other brands sale and I have got to say that I had a mind blasting time (lol). My cousin and I got there around 9am and had to wait in line for almost 20 minutes. It was like waiting for a ride at Wonderland, not so much fun, all you want is to get on the ride! Anyways, the sale was held at Markham Fairgrounds and the products were situated in 3 rooms. The prices were so affordable, I can't even begin to explain! I bought foundation, fix+rose mist, mineralized skin finish, all at only $10 dollars. How amazing is that? Lipsticks and nail polishes were $5 dollars each and there were an assortment of perfumes and perfume sets for $22 dollars each. They also had make-up bags, totes, clutches, and other bags for $2-$8 dollars each and train cases ranging between $60-$90 dollars. I didn't get a train case because I'm not a make-up artist so I don't need it but I picked up a few make-up bags and an adorable dark purple clutch. They also had bins stocked with stuff for only $3 dollars, like mascara, eyeshadow wands, eye pencil sharpeners, DKNY body wash for men, and lots more. I had an amazing time and I'm so glad I went, since I was thinking that it might not be worth it. OMG I totally forgot something so important. You get a free gift just for coming to the sale (today it was a MAC body lotion, it's different each day) and they had a mini pre made gift bag which you could buy for $5 dollars flat. The entire $5 dollars goes to the breast cancer charity and the gift is awesome. The kit includes all MAC products; blush, lipstick, eyeliner and eyeshadow. So that's all for now, keep a look out for my next post since it will include pictures and prices of the things I bought so that you guys can get a better understanding of what you can find at the sale. If you guys have any questions about the sale, just leave a comment or e-mail me and I'll get back to you ASAP. Thanks for reading and good night :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

M.A.C Warehouse Sale

Hello my lovelies!

I know I haven't updated my blog in quite a while but I have been extremely sick for almost 6 weeks!!! Isn't that crazy? I got sick and I was like, whatever I'll be fine, but it flared up into an extreme viral infection. It got to the point where I couldn't swallow because my glands were swollen to hell. After that I finally decided to go to the walk in clinic and I had a really bad experience there (I'll share that in my next blog). I started taking antibiotics that were prescribed to me and I started to feel better but even now I'm not perfect. My throat still hurts and my nose is stuffy and I have an ear infection :( Well anyways, I'll stop with my sad story and move onto something a little bit more fun. I have some really exciting news to share with you all...I'm going to the M.A.C, Estee Lauder, Clinique and other brands warehouse sale on Sunday March 7, 2010. You actually have to be an employee to attend these sales, but I was able to find tickets on Kijiji. I've never been to any of these kinds of events before so I'm really excited to see how it goes and what treasures I will find. I've seen a few haul videos of other girls who have been to previous sales and they found some really nice things for like $3-$15 dollars. I'm going to be taking my camera with me so that I can record while I'm there and then I'll upload it to YouTube so that you all can see what it was like. Well I guess that's all for now, I;m gonna get to bed since I have another doctor's appointment early in the morning. I have lots more to share with you all, so I'll be back soon to update you all on my life! Good Night little pickles!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lifestyle Change

Hey Everyone!

So I've been going through some changes recently and I thought I would share some of them with you just because I feel like if I tell you then I will actually really stick with the changes. Most of you that know me, know how unproductive I can be. When I'm at home, I do absolutely nothing and I'm just sick and tired of being this way. I'm sure that if I can change my lifestyle a little bit I will be happier, more active, and my mom will be happier too. Pretty much what I'm trying to say is that all I do everyday is sleep, eat, do my schoolwork and go to school. And I don't think that this is a healthy lifestyle at all. I need to stop sleeping till 1pm and start getting more involved in the community. I feel like I've been living this ignorant lifestyle which revolves solely around me and I am going to change no matter what! From now on I vow to start waking-up earlier in the morning, helping around the house with chores that need to be done, start putting 100% with my school life and GET A JOB. Honestly, it's not like I haven't tried looking for a job but I can't find one that I like. I loved my job at forever 21, but I had to leave since it was costing me more to get to and from work then what I was making. I have applied to so many hotels in downtown and other retail stores around my house but haven't received a call. This is why I am really hoping that I can get a job at the new Novotel Hotel, since that is my dream job. The economy is really putting a damper on my mood (do peaople really still talk like this? i don't thought I'd try it out) So anyways the point of this blog is that I am going to change my lifestyle and I am going to be happier! Just thought I'd update you on my awakening. I actually already tried out my new life this past Saturday and Sunday and I loved it. I got up early on Saturday and did 7 loads of laundry, made a bookshelf, and changed my room's setting. And then today I woke up early, completed my marketing plan, read 4 chapters, studied for my accounting exam, cleaned my room and watched the super bowl. And this may not sound like a big thing to most of you, but if you know me you would know what an accomplishment this is. I feel really proud of myself and I hope I can continue on with this new plan. Tomorrow I plan on getting up early, showering, reading ch 9 and 10 for my cost control class, reading ch 5 for my marketing class and then running some errands for my mom, and then heading to school. I love that I go to school, I just hate that it takes me an hour and a half to get to school. It just feels like such a waste of time, since I could be doing something else like hanging out with my family or my girls or something. I'm just rambling on aren't I? Jeez. Okay I'm going to go to bed now. I'm so tired. Thanks for listening to my rant and I'll be back soon to write a proper entry. Good Night!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

New Novotel Hotel Location Opening Soon!

Hey Everyone,

So I’ve been looking for jobs recently since I don't work at Forever 21 anymore, and I just learned about a new hotel that is opening up near my house and I am so excited. As a lot of you know, I want to go into the hotel business, which requires that I have at least 2-3 years of prior hotel work experience. Since the economy sucks right now, I haven't been able to get a job at a hotel since none of them are hiring and I’m just so excited that a new hotel is opening up so close to me. It would be amazing if I got a job there since my travel time would be close to nothing and I would be able to get the experience that I need. I had heard of the Novotel brand before but I wasn't too familiar with it so I decided to take a look at their website and I have to honestly say that it is a beautiful hotel. It’s very modern, clean and sophisticated. Hopefully if I get the job, I will be allowed to make a few videos of the different rooms they offer and upload them to YouTube for all of you to see. So, I don’t really have anything else to say, I’ve been sick for almost 2 weeks which is why I don’t really have any other news or moments to share with you since I’ve been stuck at home. I did completely organize and clean my room, and it looks amazing. Speaking of my room I just remembered something that I want to tell you all. Ok so I have this weird habit that when I put new bed sheets on my bed and my room is clean and organized, I don’t want to leave my room for even a second and all I want to do is study or do my homework or something productive. Even if my mom calls me downstairs for something or my dad needs help, I get really upset! I don’t know why that happens. All I want to do is sit in my room and do my homework or do something very productive or just sit on my bed. It’s really odd. I don’t know if it’s only me or if this happens to other people too. I just think it’s so funny, because I become very attached to my room and I bite my family’s head off if they bug me. I don’t know, maybe it’s just the clean environment that makes me feel really positive but I still think it’s odd. Does this happen to any of you? Let me know because if it does then I will feel so much better about my weird habit. Bye for now and I hope to be back soon with something more fun for you all!

Oh here’s the link to the hotel that I applied to. It’s opening date is March 1, 2010. Check it out and keep it in mind for future trips!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

YouTube Guru and American Road Trip

Hey Everyone!

So lately I've been watching quite a bit of these make-up tutorials and funny videos on youtube and I'm kind of getting the urge to start making my own video's. Honestly I've always wanted to make my own video's and upload them on youtube but the only reason I'm holding back is because I'm not sure what to focus on. I am really leaning towards review's of products since I have tried a million products already. I have information on a lot of products so I might as well share my opinion and thought's with others since it might help them out. But I'm not sure. I don't really know what's holding me back. I want to do it so badly but I'm nervous about the negative comments I will receive (every youtuber gets them- there's haters everywhere!) I'll take some time to think it through and then I'll let you all know what my final decision is. Oh and just to share with you all, I am planning on taking a road trip across America with my cousins. There's so many places I want to see, so were thinking of doing a two week road trip so that we can maximize our to do list. I am so excited since I've only been to New York and have not seen anything else in America. I love traveling! Were not sure what states where going to visit yet but as soon as I have details I will be sure to share them with you all. Ok so I'll speak with you all very soon! Good Night :)